Espectro para o 5G

Este fórum interativo de um dia examinará os requistiro por trás das exigências de espectro para 5G nas diferentes faixas de freqüência que serão necessárias para atender à estas várias tecnologias.
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Las Violetas de Bronka

"(...) A proposta de fazer um programa com mulheres foi bem acolhida pelas pessoas da Rádio, em geral lhes pareceu interessante(...)". Leia esta entrevista com a Domi...
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Provedor Comunitário

Como Montar e Regularizar um Provedor Comunitário. A ONG ARTIGO 19 reuniu presencialmente vários especialistas para discutir os temas que seriam abordados neste estudo...
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Redes Comunitárias

Community Networks: the Internet by the People, for the People

The Dynamic Coalition on Community Connectivity (DC3) is a component of the United Nations Internet Governance Forum (IGF) and this book is the official 2017 outcome of the DC3. This volume is the result of the annual DC3 Call for Papers, which is open to all interested stakeholders.
A Coalizão Dinâmica sobre Conectividade Comunitária (DC3) é um componente do Fórum de Governança da Internet da ONU (IGF) e este livro contém os resultados oficiais do trabalho da DC3 de 2017. Este volume é resultado da chamada anual de textos da DC3, aberta a todos os setores interessados.

TV White Spaces - A pragmatic approach

TV Whites Spaces offer essentially a family of new approaches to rural connectivity. This is incredibly important and it is great to see many groups exploring that space. More important perhaps is that there is more than one possible solution on how best to use this spectrum for rural connectivity: the policy sets some basic rules, but does not actually dictate the solution. This is a critical characteristic of the modern approach. This collection of articles explores both the policy and the technology around TV White Spaces.

On the Relevance of Using Affordable Tools for White Spaces Identification

From the Abstract: It is widely recognized that white spaces identification is an important milestone for the wide deployment of next generation cognitive wireless networks. However, spectrum holes detection tools used for white spaces discovery are still either in the infancy stage or too expensive to enable massive white spaces exploitation. Building upon cheap hardware equipment, this paper presents experiments conducted in the town of Trieste in Italy to sense the environment and find out which frequencies are not being used in a particular place and time-of-the-day.

Televisión Digital Terrestre en Uruguay

Televisión Digital Terrestre en Uruguay
Gustavo Gómez Germano

Políticas públicas, regulación y nueva institucionalidad para el desarrollo de la industria audiovisual en Uruguay: desafíos y oportunidades de la TV digital terrestre.
Documento de consultoría realizado para el Instituto del Cine y el Audiovisual del Uruguay (ICAU) y el Programa de Competitividad de Conglomerados y Cadenas Productivas (PACC-DIPRODE-OPP) en el marco del desarrollo del Conglomerado Audiovisual.


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